Lockdown Licks no.376 “Pinch Squeal Boogie” by Lockdown Licks. Played on a SC500 guitar on mid humbucker position. Into a NUX M8 amp set to ‘superlead’ with slight reverb.
If you’re
progressing with lead playing technique
want to add some new technique to get the listener to pay full attention to your play?
do something not all guitarists can play
Pinched harmonics which give you that knarly? squealing sound to add an edge especially to rock and blues, could be for you!
Putting some well positioned pinch harmonics in can raise your game.
Use a hard pick.
Play some “conventional” notes as an intro to doing a pinched harmonic, don’t overuse it
Strike by pushing the string down towards pick ups with pick tip
allow string to “rebound” into the side of thumb above pick tip then move thumb away a little to allow harmonic to ring out
Also try holding thumb & pick against string at same time,strike string with tip of pick & release (thumb-pick triangle method)
sometimes adding vibrato will help with note sustaining.
Have fun with your new head turning playing technique! You may notice the riffs are loosely based on a certain classic rock guitarists style.